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The One Person, Even Jeff Bezos Wants to Impress.

We all know that person, the person(s) who's opinion carries outsized importance in our life. Typically these people are family members.

Family members play important roles in our lives. They have birthed us, raised us, shared our experiences, and have helped shaped our beliefs & values.

Family Approval I'm no therapist, but I am pretty sure the reason that the opinion of the family is so important, is that we desperately want and need the approval of the people we love, appreciate and respect. Family members are often all three.

When starting a business or running a business, you will face adversity from all sides. Finding customers, developing business systems, competition, mishaps, and changes in the industry or economy are challenges every business needs to overcome.

In fact, the very premise of starting or running your own business is chaotic and not nearly as stable as a 9-5 job or career.

The support of family members can be the difference maker in your success.

Pushing Ahead However, if you don't get family support, do not be discouraged. Don't feel that every move you make, needs to be approved by your nearest and dearest.

Think about it, most of your family isn't running or starting a business or in the same industry and even if they are, they may not have your vision, creativity, and persistence.

Just because they think it's a bad idea does not make it so.

Jeff Bezo's parents weren't convinced he should leave his "sweet job on Wall Street" — what his father would later call the vice president role Jeff had worked up to at hedge fund D. E. Shaw.

"Don't quit your job," his mother warned. She asked him, "Can you do this on the weekends and nights?"*

Jeff Bezos's mom certainly carries a lot of influence with him. But would he have been successful if he listened to his mom's doubts about the viability of an online book store?

On the flip side if you are a family member of a business owner or startup, you provide as much encouragement and support as you can muster.

It is okay to provide constructive criticism that is actionable and supports the goal of the recipient. But in general, convey trust instead of doubt, offer encouragement instead of discouragement and show passionate interest, not apathy. Never underestimate the power of family members support.


In 1995, Jackie and Mike Bezos plowed $245,573 into their son’s fledgling

e-commerce website. Jeff Bezos is now worth $130 Billion, his parents Jackie and Mike Bezos are worth an estimated $30 Billion.


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